Whats up out there? So I have a question for you... Would you rather be the middle piece to the human centipede? Or the chick from Teeth's boyfriend? Think long and hard about it. If you were the middle piece to the human centipede then you already got the wrong end of the deal on that side, you are not only eating shit and sucking farts but crapping in someones mouth. Now imagine if as you were getting your mouth crapped in the person behind you puked. Nasty... The person in the front really has the best deal out of them all since that person doesn't have to eat shit, if anything he just endure some pukage on his cheese hole. The person at the end is eating diluted shit since it's already been diluted by someone elses digestive system. If the middle piece tried to escape she would have to not only rip her face from the front pieces ass but rip her ass from the end pieces face, so it's unpleasant all around. Not only is she missing a piece of her face but she's missing a piece of her ass too. Being the middle piece seems like it should only end in suicide...
Now imagine being the chick from Teeth's boyfriend, ugh... She could rip your manhood off at any moment while bumpin' uglies. You would have to make sure you NEVER piss her off and for any man that's ever had a girlfriend you know that's completely impossible. Women don't think logically and will get mad for no reason, it must be no reason becuse they never tell you why they're mad. It's as if your supposed to know, and sometimes they hide and get even more pissed off when you don't know that they are mad. So no matter what somewhere down the line you going to lose your meat stick while doing the horizontal tango with your lady. And sorry guys no rear entry, she aint like that... Also her mouth has teeth in it too so yeah...
Anyway go ahead and leave some responses telling me what you would pick and why, also by chosing niether you automatically chose both... MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
At least I would have a chance of keeping things cool with the girl from teeth's bf. so id go with that.