Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Conservative Army

"Come to me if you are worthy," so says the superior American, "climb my mountain and sit in my tower, but only if you have what I want. Riches and power could all be yours as long your one of the elite, but I will deem you one of us, not them nor you, but me and me alone for I am the superior American. So hike my mountain and climb my tower but you may not enter with your soul, so please leave it at the door. Once your soul is gone your humanity should deplete until you are completely devoid of common sense and compassion, that's when your journey shall begin. To become a soulless shell of what was once a human being, to strive toward the things that put the commoners in there place and keep them there, remember to always keep them away from the tower, they are not to know what lies inside. God forbid they gain this kind of power, I dread the day when those beneath us can be considered equals... I shudder to think that there are actually people who consider themselves 'real' Americans when in fact they are nothing but drones, treat them like dogs, don't give them an inch and make sure they know their place; maybe then you too can join amongst our ranks and become a superior American."

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